Friday, August 7, 2015

Poetry Friday!

Unique challenge this month...the Poetry Sisters cooked up this challenge..."haikus as classified ads"! Hmmm...don't think too much, just close your eyes and write.


Lonely white female
Seeking man with one finger
For me to wrap myself around

Want my buttons pushed
But none of my flaws pointed out
Thumbs not eligible

I possess all eight fingers
But only one toe

No bunions or warts
Some fungus, nail’s slightly ingrown
Will paint if need be

Wanted: Wedding dress
With mink wrap, silver buttons
No flaws allowed

Also required
Nail polish (color of tux)
Half ounce should suffice

By John Christian Lewis - 8/7/15
(All Rights Reserved)


  1. You should know that we were perfectly happy with haiku until your sister stepped in and said "in the form of classifieds." This was thrown out last month too as we debated poems "in the style of," so I knew she'd get us one day.

    You've risen to the challenge, but I'll admit that I'm most enamored of the poem that begins "Want my buttons pushed." Well done!

    1. Yeah, she pretty much got me to do whatever she wanted to as a kid. :) Thanks for the kind words and the shout-out on FB!

  2. I must agree with Tricia on all counts! So glad you played along!

    1. Thanks, Kelly! Appreciate all the support from everyone!

  3. *snort*
    Yes, well, we all want our buttons pushed... but the fingers should only point one way.

  4. I like how your series tells a story! Thanks for playing.

  5. Tanita--Are we are going to do erotic poetry next month?

    These are fun, John. The wedding dress one makes me sad--too true, I guess!
